Year Two

Notes work on your inner mind to slowly but surely awaken the fantastic secret of how to make better use of the gift of conscious existence.


Your Higher Intelligence is awakening when you begin to see that your usual solutions only maintain your problems or even make them worse.  Exploring new solutions, not harshly idealistic solutions, is an indispensable key of human development.


Learn to mostly ignore what most people want for themselves in life, because what they want, even when they get it, almost always does not make them truly happy, uplifted or able to develop themselves.  They choke off virtually all possible learning or progress with the silly crap they pursue or hold on to. You must quietly walk away and explore things that are truly valuable.  This is a rare and unapplauded journey of your real individuality, not a social conformity.


A truly spiritual, metaphysical reading and study of Notes will have practical, physical consequences.  If this is not true for you, then you are just involving yourself with imagination and pretence about all this.  The truly practical and the truly spiritual are not two different things.  I have myself for years been dismissing and rejecting shallow students who did not want to learn this.  There is no hope for anyone who cannot or will not learn Pragmatic Metaphysics.


Think of this note as a uniquely new challenge to your sense of what belongs in a life of genuine spiritual adventure and higher realization.  Let this note tell you to do a complete reappraisal of the way you are approaching your life and your possibilities.










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