Year Two

This note right here is an opportunity for you to go beyond your usual self.  The way to learn to make use of this opportunity is to look within yourself for a direct feeling that is already beyond your usual self.  That direct feeling of being beyond can and should be cultivated more often.  Do not go to the next note without it!


This note is your way of encountering something that gnaws away inside of you as it does most people.  What gnaws at you is the belief that you have to appear wise, intelligent, knowledgeable, witty, charming or somehow impressive to others.  Drop all that and just be your natural self.  If others are not impressed by your natural self, it is no real loss for you, but instead it frees you from their own neurotic considerings and maneuvers, their own meaningless attempts to be important or dominant.  Explore the freedom that comes from no longer trying to be more for social success.  You will thank yourself.


Sincere people of inner truth never play false roles.  Relaxed in the real center of their being, they can appreciate this reminder, whereas most readers on Earth become immediately embarrassed and evasive.


You can help yourself by utilizing Notes to think more often and deeply about the most real issues that determine the quality of your life and your being.  You will increasingly discover yourself creating strange pauses in your life, in your activities, where you are more thoughtful, inquiring and meditative than usual.  You will also be more aware of your surroundings.


Each time you question the need to be anxious and troubled about the evil trends of the world, you weaken the grip of oppressive government.  In this way you become invisible to outer society.  You go off their radar screen through your inwardly strong silence.  The challenge of the world is to develop inner strength and private enlightenment.









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