Year Two

Human beings are proud, self-enclosed, stupid, distracted and restless.  They do not know their own good.  They are a pain-in-the-ass for each other and their self.  They are incapable of rightly understanding these facts even when put simply in this note.   We are sick-and-tired of normal human beings who come to this website for a few moments, have some dull reaction or arrogant judgment, then leave as blindly as they came.  If you understand what we are on about here, you are qualified for the next note.


The subhuman people of the planet Earth are stupid, weak and empty.  They are an inferior species.  They are not evolving. They do not read Notes.   They cannot hear this note.   They are meaningless assholes.  We need to move on to more important subjects.


To increase pleasure and happiness, intelligent and spiritual efforts have to be made.   This note requires more than you are willing to do about all this.  You need to wake up.


Real self-realizing Yoga is primary activity.  Without primary activity, all secondary effort will fail to accomplish any lasting good.  Old age and death are the inevitable result of clinging merely to secondary effort without primary effort.   This note is here to help you focus your own real good, but you have to make yourself clear about the necessity of primary activity, Adi Kriya.


The hidden message in this note requires the telepathic perception of a Sufi.   Anything less is just superficialist distraction of some dumb emotional reader pretending they are learning something, which is sadly pathetic.  Fortunately, our undeveloped readers are given lots of Notes.  They can read or they would be hopelessly lost.  So read whatever you can read and learn what you can learn, receive the benefits you can receive.  Eventually you will develop higher cognitive powers. It is just a matter of time.






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