Year Two

If you are a master chess player, you need to seriously investigate the new positional attack against the Sveshnikov Sicilian along with the clarity to see the inferiority of the Najdorf Sicilian in comparison to the Sveshnikov.  If you are a nuclear physicist, you need to help with serious investigation of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, not just for planetary domestic and industrial energy, but for creating engines for deep space travel. If you are a super-intelligent Note-reader, you need serious investigation of Pragmatic Metaphysics with an aim of participating in sexually active immortality and group travel to guest colonies on other planets in the Orvonton Galaxy and beyond.  If you are a Kashmir Shaivi, you need to seriously investigate the Mastery of Awareness as taught to Carlos Castaneda by Juan Matus in the book, The Fire From Within.  If you are a Naqshbandiyya Sufi, you must seriously investigate the cosmogony of Meher Baba plus the structures of Theosophy and Vyasdevji, the Samkhya Rajayogi and bring them into cosmological conjunction with Ibn Arabi.  Reincarnation and Karma cannot be swept under the carpet to please orthodox Islam if you want relevance of your developmental know-how in the Space Migration Future.  Now go on to the next note.


This note is about a fly.  The fly in question is drawn on blank page 69 of Shunryo Suzuki’s wonderful little book, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind.  What is the most real thing you can do about that fly?  Hint: the number sixty-nine usually represents mutual oral sex.  Is it a mere coincidence that Suzuki’s fly is on page 69?  Let us hope this is not the actual end of this Note-Session.

      (draw a fly here on the Web just like Suzuki’s)









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