Year Two

Welcome to the magic of Notes.  Do you actually believe you can find out how it works?  Or, even worse, are you one of those mediocre visitors who don’t even want to know?  Of course the greatest delusion is the idea that there is something here for everyone.  Almost as deluded is the arrogant opinion that there is nothing significant here for anyone.


Your present state is not what you think it is and it does not mean what you think it means.  Try to be more clear about this before you try to process the next note.


Now that you are here with this note, why don’t you try to let it help you in a different way than you normally would?


A distant committee in the Universe has recently made an interesting decision to offer you an unusual connection, so stay alert.  Now we return to Notes.


Plants grow on planets that have the soil, nutriments, water, sunlight and other requirements for supporting viable plant-life. Think of this as a metaphor about Notes.  You will have to work it out whether Notes are a plant, a nutriment or a complex system of support or even something else.


This note wishes you well in your efforts to come to grips with what Notes are really doing or failing to do for someone like you.  Are you aware of the wide range of issues this can bring out if you are truly serious about all this?


You are on the verge of a breakthrough note-reading.  Just go into the next note with no expectation whatsoever about anything.


This note may appear in the outer world as the last note of this Note Session.








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