Year Two

You are here reading more notes because you know you are trying to unfold something important for your evolution within your consciousness.  Are you clear about this?  Even if you are, you need to become even more clear about it.


This note is here to blow your mind about your possible self-improvement.  Did you know that you have some wonderful new ways to improve yourself that you have not even bothered to discover yet?


Do you know the difference between Information and Inner Guidance?  Information is like knowing all the different books you could read that might give you important knowledge for your Self-realization.  Inner Guidance is knowing what to read, when to read it and how to read it to get a real benefit.  Having Information does not guarantee Inner Guidance, which is why random reading can make you worse, rather than better.  Do you now understand?


This note furnishes you with important information about yourself.  Did you know that you are still reading and interacting much too superficially with notes?  Did you now that it is painfully obvious that you continue to make a merely stupid pretence of learning or even aspiring to learn?  How much do you believe you can afford superficiality and silly pretence about learning?  Do you think you are immortal?


I am a genuine Zen master.   You on the other hand are not a Zen Master; you are not yet even a Zen Disciple.  If you want a Great Awakening, start with a Little Awakening to the self-honest truth of your condition and your actual motivation in all this.  Mastery of anything never comes from having imaginings about yourself. You are not Enlightened.  You have not even begun to begin for real yet.  Take a real look at yourself and face your facts about your deplorable state before it is too late.









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