Year Two

This note is about what happens to your mind when you realize that you are just passing your time here before your next hidden episode of very heavy sex.   Of course, we should also acknowledge those poor, lonely frustrated readers who have to resort to masturbating while viewing adult porn pics on the Web. As for our extraterrestrial readers, we recommend that they procure the books of Osho Rajneesh on the Tantra interpretation of spiritually ecstatic sexual orgasm that pumps the brain up with metaphysical wish-fulfillment fantasies about possible new partners who are interested in spiritual orgasm, especially through heavy wife-swapping with mutual egging on to greater depths of insatiability that quivers pulsatingly toward the secrets of Vajrayana Mastery in the esoteric school of Drungpa Kunley which the self-styled Fiji Avatar tries to copy to appear ultra-enlightened when he flashes his cock on the edge of the swimming pool at his headquarters set-up.  But the next note gets even better about Krishnamurti’s girlfriend.


Krishnamurti’s girlfriend is still high from sex with him during his lecture tours of India.  She claims that she got higher fucking Krishnamurti than the girlfriends of Carlos Castaneda who were being given Nagual Juice.  One old devotee of Osho Rajneesh however has wisely commented that “If any of these various fuckers of famous Guru-figures were really getting that high on it all, why do they put-on-airs about it?  All of us who got high with Rajneesh were and are happy to just radiate the wonderful result.”  Upon hearing all this, a stunning and ravishing extraterrestrial Dakini woman in Bhutan remarked, “If any of these famous Gurus had fucked me they would have retired from their public work in order to stay with me in secret. Dakini group sex is literally out-of-this-world.”







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