Year Two

You might try playing mentally with this note as a kind of cheerful experience that you allow to transport your consciousness beyond your usual neurotic patterns of uptight self-deceptive shit-egotism, but of course you have to make up your own mind as to whether you want liberation here and now or elsewhere and later.


If this note were going to give you a surprising new state of consciousness, you would not be reacting and struggling over it.


It does not matter if this note is critical about your neurotic mental condition because you can’t get out of it right now even if you try.  Why don’t you just relax and accept your wretched mental state as somehow necessary for you at this time?


The infinite population of the real universe does not give a shit that you are stuck in your neurotic little mind.  Your uptight crap games with yourself have no objective significance whatsoever. It doesn’t even matter to anyone else whether you get anything out of this note.   You are truly isolated in your useless nonsense about yourself.  Only you can say why you believe you have to do your usual bullshit about this note.   Fortunately for others, your rubbish here doesn’t matter even slightly.  Your neurotic mental state is of zero meaning, just like the way you feel about the mental state of an ugly little insect that might land on this note when you are reading it.  Your attitude is so little, so utterly without value, depth or real meaning.  Even your pathetic depressions over your lack of real intelligence are just the useless thrashing of an assemblage point stuck in the stupid normal position.









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