Year Two

This note is about the way you spend your time.  Look with greater awareness at your life-pattern.  Question your assumptions about what is and is not meaningful activity or fruitful relationship.  Do not just mindlessly walk a treadmill of habitual behavior.  Liberate your energy and awareness for more magical living.  Do not go to the next note if you have not more fully faced your personal issues of this note!   If notes are not utilized for better self-knowledge and greater self-improvement, they are just another superficial entertainment or idle curiosity item.   Wake-up and smell the coffee!


How often and thoroughly do you question good wisdom oracles of interactive spiritual advice to tune-up your basic orientation? Do you believe it helps you to remain proud, smug, self-enclosed and complacent about your condition?  When did you decide to remain an opinionated know it all?  You better learn to invoke some new answers!


This note is about how you are going to progress and succeed in life and Yoga, in gaining longevity and awakening Divine superconsciousness, in spite of dwelling on a planet that is going totally to hell and fostering a stupid global police state of surveillance, oppression and anti-individuality.   This note is about being a Shambhala Warrior who fights the Evil New World Order with the unstoppable weapon of self-realization. The abusers of secular power, the criminally insane outer world-controllers, cannot touch people of superconscious development.  Private, unaffiliated Yoga is the key to winning the occult war against evil.  Meditate on this, see the truth of it and stop putting hope in collective social action.


This note is about the urgent necessary self-awakening of superconsciousness beyond all your social efforts to attract people or join a movement.  Wake up more about this!







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