Year Two

Here is yet another cognitive boost for you if you realize yet again that this note is just in your head and its meaning is just in your mind.  Even if there is an objective note here, you cannot read or understand it as such or you would not be you.


That you are neither hearing nor comprehending things objectively is not very important for you if everything is O.K. with you in your particular little life as you go along.  Self-satisfied people have no urgency about getting a cognitive boost. One requires a certain intensity of aspiration before there can be heightened awareness.


Guess what: this note is not what it seems.


Cosmic Intelligence wants you to make a fresh effort toward a cognitive boost right now.  Will you please do this so that Cosmic Intelligence can be happier about you?


O.K. You are trying to do something in your mind about this note, but what?


This particular note might be setting you up to make one of those boosting efforts, so be on your guard.   Notes can be very tricky about what they have in mind for you.


This charming and user-friendly note would not even begin to try to trick you into greater mental effort.  It likes your laid-back approach to everything.


This horribly demanding note insists that you stop fucking around with all this and start making a more genuine effort toward your awakening of higher intelligence.


This detached and self-satisfied note does not give a shit what you do with it.


This free-spirited note enjoys teasing you about your whole approach to notes.  It claims that a tarantula has more aspiration toward a cognitive boost than you have.  Of course it is talking about the ancient Tarantula-people of galaxy M-51.  Very few races anywhere actually have such strong cognitive boosting, so you do not have to be very ashamed in comparison.


This hefty note wants to weigh-in hard on the argument for Zen-like efforts toward immediate heightened awareness.


This lofty note is arranging behind the scenes for an advanced person to slap you on the back and give you a cognitive boost.


This alien note is simply observing what you try to do about it.


This fantastically magical note is very popular in the realm of the Dakinis, but most human readers just stare into space about it.


This horny note is only interested in helping you become more sexually satisfied and does not seek a cognitive boost for you, though it does admit that heightened awareness can make sex more intelligent, vivid and intense.


This kind and patient note does not want you to rush into any cognitive boost you do not feel ready for, but it would like you to make a little more effort to get ready.


This bloody-minded note can do nothing but insist that you need an immediate cognitive boost.   It could not care less that you are not objective.   What-the-hell does “objectivity” have to do with anything?






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