Year Two

Have you ever read the books of Brad Steiger on far-out subjects?  How about Whitley Strieber books on overcoming the fear of meeting Aliens?  How about Carlos Castaneda on preparing yourself for a more personally together and liberating inevitable death?  How about David Icke on the Bilderberg Reptilians versus “Infinite Love”?  How about Idries Shah on the immaturity of New Age cults?  How about Osho Rajneesh on universal self-indulgence in superficial pseudo-tantric sex orgies and the uptight reactions of sexually repressed sociologists and authorities against all that?  So, before you go to the next note, think of any kind of books you have been avoiding for all the wrong reasons coming from dull normalcy and spiritually dead conformity to hypocritical society.


This note is about how you read and what you put into practice from what you read.  Do you actually know what you are doing or do you just study and practice randomly on the basis of your useless assumptions?


This note is about how Krishnamurti wants you to read and listen only to him and no other sage or school of thought than his.   How do you feel about that?   On the other hand, is there not some natural limit to the accumulation of second-hand knowledge in your personal brain and the practice of personal disciplines and methodologies with your personal neuro-system? Can you break into a higher dimension of awareness and being that is wholly beyond your books and practices?   Didn’t the Siddha Tilopa also point this out in The Song of Mahamudra? Can you spend a period of truly free time now and then without doing anything at all, suspending all mental and intellectual activity, not practicing any method or even repetition of a mantra in your mind?  Can you reduce your consciousness to just one, singular sound or seed-syllable of constant current, nada?   This is Adi Yoga, the primary central non-doing, the supreme action of inaction.  Can you enter the Absolute directly in this way? Continuous seed-syllable is not repetition or practice.  Do you see that?







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