Year Two

Are you willing to spend a few minutes now and then in a state of doing absolutely nothing outwardly or inwardly?  Please consider the implications of this possibility before you go into the next note.   All living beings and spirits would breathe a great sigh of relief if you would just do nothing now and then. Your internal and external activities are rather painful to living beings and spirits.


If you ever decide to compassionately do nothing for awhile, please be ready to catch yourself in the act of accidentally doing some of your unhappy internal or external activity.  You should see how easily you vibrate with the doings of neurotic awkwardness both mentally and physically.  Your mental activity in particular, which will unfortunately survive your inevitable death, is especially disturbing and unpleasant.   Try to see this better before the next note is chewed on by your stupid little mind.


We are sorry to see that you do not find it appealing and natural to go into physical and mental suspension or what the Rajayoga calls Samadhi.  You evidently continue in the insane belief that you are making it good for yourself with your outer restless behavior and internal noisy rubbish.  You obviously want to go on torturing living beings and sensitive spirits whenever and wherever they cannot avoid encountering you.  You are like the billions of other twisted and neurotic subhuman people of the wretched planet Earth.  Can’t you see that you are physically, mentally and spiritually ill, diseased and wrong about virtually everything?   We know you do not believe you are evil, but if you would let yourself slow down and become calm and clear, surely you would see that acting out disturbed unclarity all the time is intrinsically evil and therefore bad for you and for all living beings and spirits.  Please consider switching from evil to Yoga.







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