Year Two

There is a place higher within you which is beyond all the unhappy conditions of your mind.  In this higher inner place, you never have sorrow, sadness, anger, frustration, doubt or fear. There in that Self, you are eternally serene, watchful and strong. In that Self alone will you find the truly effective plan for a happy and successful life that conquers all difficulties and disabilities permanently.  Your job in this note is to give yourself a little glimpse of that higher and better position within yourself.  In fact, it is what the Buddhist Siddhayogis call, The Great Position, and all action from it is called The Great Perfection.


This note is about the main blockage to your happiness.  This blockage is only indirectly the outer world and difficult other people, it is primarily in your brain and neurosystem, it is in fact your personal conditioning, molded since your birth.  It is made up of your experiences, knowledge, opinions and reactions.   It is your complex psychophysical mass of self-operating contradictions and inner hang-ups.  It is everything that is your mechanical, artificial, awkward and tense daily self, which is a false self that only seems real through physical continuity of your outer vivid sensory life.  So, before you go on to the next note, consider the incredible possibility of rising in spirit beyond your continuity of false physical selfhood with its memories and habitual behavior, its usual reactions.


This note is about your everyday mind which tends to go around in your head about how to create and sustain a new and better life beyond the usual struggles and disappointments.  Though the quest for higher development seems to begin within your everyday mind as a kind of interest or avocation you often return to, the real higher development is only realizable from within the awakened Godself, from within superconsciousness.   The entrance is in a much higher place, like the doorway into a magic cave that is up on a mountainside rather than somewhere in the valley below.  As long as you are seeking your entry somewhere in your everyday lower regions in connection with your outer drives for sex, money, fame or escape from irksome chores, you are like a traveler seeking in the valley rather than going up on the mountain where the door is.  So your job in this note is to make yourself unforgettably remember that your higher development will only begin on a much higher level in yourself. There is no trick, technique or doctrine to make your present level successful or highly developed.


This note is about your lack of superhuman, miraculous and extraordinary power and development.   You continue to fail in all this for only one basic reason, which is that you want your outer conditioning and false selfhood to do it.  How can outer distraction ever be inner focus or outer weakness turn into inner strength?  Inner focus and inner strength are the beginning of the superhuman development.  Confused, conceited and weak people cannot even make a real start.  So, before you go on to the next note session start looking for your inner focus and your inner strength.   You have them within you in a higher, more real place within yourself.  There you will locate these hidden spiritual resources, which when recognized and found within yourself, can be brought into real activation and inner growth.








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