At this point we need a whole new angle on new readers who failed to go through the course of previous sessions, but there is nothing that comes to mind.


Put the hapless new readers behind you and give your most advanced effort at interpreting the twenty-three hidden meanings in this particular note.


There is no need to get into any stress or strain over any new readers trying to read either this or the next note.


No matter how much some readers may be ripping, tearing and clawing at this note, you must remain calm and see that the real message here is perfectly intact and undamaged except for one minor splash of drool from the new reader who just doesn’t know better.


That particular new reader has given up and left. We can now relax and go into the far more interesting subject of Old Reader Delayed Stress Syndrome.


Enough of all that. We are inviting you into the next phase of cosmic enlightenment.  If you want to chew on some bubblegum or have a smoke, it’s O.K. because the other readers don’t have to see what kind of oral gratification habit may be controlling the way you read.


Try to settle down and remain chill, cool, calm and easy when you discover the horrendous implications of this very note.  For one thing, one of our extraterrestrial readers got upset over being that new reader.


We are in the clear.  This note can inform you about anything in the technology of organic telepathy.


We are not fully “in the clear”.  Some of our terrestrial readers are having murky doubts about all this fun.


Some readers are very serious and lack humor.  At any rate, we will count to ten and give them a chance to leave the site: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…..


TEN (10).






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