Escaping into greater reality is not the latest rage, nor is the understanding of this hint about it.


It would take a tremendous rush of cosmic energy through your brain to let you see why your brain is afraid of truth.


The latest word on all this is that it has been rendering many of our readers completely speechless.  Some have even given up alcohol so as to avoid making stupid comments.


The best way to get a deeper depth of your reading is to read twenty-five books on philosophy and not tell anyone stupid, shallow and normal that you have done that.


There are forces at work in your unconscious cognitive neurosystem that want you to get this message over with too quickly.


If you have free will, prove it by ignoring this challenge.


If you would like a big boost of your intelligence in one go, read this message in the sky without the words.


Welcome back from the sky, but not the solid Earth.


Be careful how you read this or you might accidentally experience a living entity coming out of the screen at you, which can cause strange visions or even hallucinations.


The vast majority of our readers imagine they are sane even after reading this factual statement of reality.


Real sanity is constantly making use of socially unacceptable creative intelligence and refuses the lobotomy of conformity to society.


If you believe an awakening of higher awareness would cause you to quit your job, you will not have such an awakening.  If you do have an awakening of higher awareness, you will see how stupid and deluded the people you have to work with really are.


If you believe in your rational and conservative professional judgment, your boss is definitely more intelligent than you are.  If you have an awakened and functional higher awareness, your boss is an unreal automaton, a mere puppet dancing on invisible strings.


Read this dazzling and complicated message too fast to want to really understand it someday.


If you feel you are becoming addicted to these kind of statements, have no fear, for there is no other statement of this kind anywhere at any time due to its unique power and unusual approach.


This statement will be rendered useless long before you forget about it.



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