Be sure you have been through the previous lessons before going on to this one.  Learning prepares for more advanced learning. Going beyond 66.6 is particularly difficult for immature readers.


We know you are terribly concerned about your learning process.


We also know that you would like to somehow get to the bottom of the way this statement talks about itself.


We also know that knowing how to know remains rather mysterious for you in your present state of mind.


How long has it been since your last truly great and original thinking about something?  Perhaps your immediate situation where you are reading this needs to be more immediate.


Experience the way your daydreamy mind tries to make your brain get this message right the first time.


Slow down your thinking here so that you can register that it is not actual thinking at all.  Then see if you can think a little about what this message is about besides the superficial issue about thinking.


Of all the things that could possibly distract you from going fully into the meaning of this note, which one would be the most usual for you?


Give your fullest attention to being totally awake to everything implied by this demand.


You are commanded to resent this order.


Is it by genuine free-will that you accept the suggestion not to go too deeply or too long into this question?


What free choice do you have about what to do effectively about this particular note?


Is it always actually a truly free choice you are defending?


You are fucking up this note and there is no way to defend what you have already done about it.  And don’t you dare say, “I just couldn’t help it”.


Bringing in your supposed “free choice” will not help you on this note either.


You are now facing a big free choice here: you can either give absolute concentration to what the real choice is about here or you can drift quickly away like a robot seeking the next stimulation.


Does an easily distracted biological robot with all sorts of buttons that can be pushed, have a real choice about when to forget about this question?


Sufficient concentration on this note is not possible.  Not only that: no one can begin to tell you why it is not possible.


You will never be able to explain to yourself what went wrong with your reading of this particular message.  You will not even know how to be sure whether your reading was wrong or not.


You are too easily convinced about something in this message about your state of being.


Now here is a sweet little note that has no intention whatsoever of giving you self-doubts about the way you took it.


Let us now proceed to the next stage of mystery as to your choice of approach to this mystery.


Have you ever caught yourself in the act of reading this again in your mind with a little twist of your own?


Have you ever longed to read something like this with total objectivity?


What kind of insanity tries to sneak into your mind when you are told that this message probably does not involve the kind of person you actually are?


If you wish to be an enlightened reader.


The time has come to find out what you really choose to do about all this.






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