This is the note session where you realize that neither your anxious nor your hopeful thinking and imagining ever picture a future that actually arrives.  The time has come for you to make words, images and calendar dates your servants and no longer your masters.


Look into the truth of words and language.  There is a state of real awareness beyond any and all languages and cultures.  Take the English language being used in these note sessions. It is the new Earth-dominating Anglo-American language, which language is presently centered in self-destructive technological materialism that wants to turn everybody into terrorist frightened, cynical, atheistic robots who deny their own soul or spirit and who also deny the cosmic Gods and Demi-Gods who are their natural Lords and Caretakers.  It is imperative that you develop an awareness beyond language if you want to experience what all this is really about.  There is a cosmic crisis on Earth. Can you register this fully before the next note?


There is a non-English teaching from ancient China called Ts’an (Zen in Japanese) that has been ably translated into the accursed English language, for instance, which can allow an unprejudiced cosmic reader to go beyond local Western conditioning into super-consciousness.  To penetrate the Zen teaching for your own good is entirely possible. This means you must look all the way into and through a Kung-an (Koan in Japanese), which is a recorded case history of an ancient transaction between an ancient Chinese Master of awareness and one of his students. You must, as it were, re-create that old situation in your own living awareness as a regenerative act of timeless awakening of super-consciousness.  So, give serious consideration to getting a book of Koans and picking out the right one to pry open your great potential for super-conscious cosmic realization, which is beyond all words, symbols and cultures.  It is particularly beyond your own stupid culture.


Now that you have a new understanding of how you might make use of something like an ancient Chinese Ts’an Kung-an (Zen Koan) to awaken great consciousness beyond your habit-conditioning, you will appreciate the need to be more watchful of how your conditioning forces you to think, speak and behave, which includes the way you interpret, talk about or act about the notes you read here.  Can you see this for real about yourself before you go on to the next note?


If you remain a prisoner of your conditioning, the path that activates cosmic consciousness will not work for you whether you are a Japanese adhering to Zen, a Muslim adhering to the Sufi way, a Hindu adhering to Yoga or an American or Brit adhering to Theosophy, Krishnamurti, Carlos Castaneda or the New Age hodgepodge.  Whatever your case, certain requirements have to be filled for cosmic learning.  If, for instance, you try to set yourself up as a teacher, or if you join some group, you are disqualified.


As we said to begin with, it is extremely important that you hatch out of your egg of self-enclosed romantic hopeful imagination about the future.  Any fixation on an exotic foreign situation that will take care of you, relieve you of your responsibilities and coddle your occult or spiritual ego-vanity, would be an exploitive farce.  Any personal social connection you may need about all this arrives only through a preparatory experience of actual super-consciousness which points out a necessary connection to you.  Anything your ordinary thinking, evaluating or consciousness points out for you is a huge, unnecessary mistake that could possibly delay your real potential for years.


Now, you have had your warning.  See if you can stop your anxiously hopeful mind in its tracks and rise above it all into the spreading clarity of your real self that can read this message in the right way.






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