If you have not read through the previous forty-seven sessions, you will not get the full benefit of this or other sessions to come. Our seasoned readers understand this for the most part.


Get a grip on yourself and do not allow this statement to throw you into an unwanted personal state. Be clear before the next note.


Explore the outlandish possibility that you are the only being in the universe who can see what this statement is really about.


Take a fuller look at your immediate environment after you read this note and see if it is as familiar as it was before you read this note.


To actually enter the Unknown implies that you can somehow leave the familiar behind you, both literally and mentally. Are you therefore entering the Unknown?


The psychic energy in this note is unlimited. It can reach any reader at any distance at any time and begin working in the cognitive system of the reader as a peculiar shift in the quality and direction of consciousness. If you are not experiencing this psychic energy, you are probably too primitive to be a real reader, but it may still hit you if you wait a little for the truth of all this to dawn upon you. Are you waiting?


No reader is necessarily forced to read this particular note in a crude rush towards the next note to follow.


No reader is necessarily forced to read this particular note in a subtle depth that does not want to rush toward the next note to follow.


Consider yourself personally encouraged here to spread your wings of perception in preparation for a very serious experience of the Unknown things going on in this note behind the scenes.


Just behind this brief hint is a rather unusual encounter for some of our aware readers. You yourself of course can rush to the next note.


What kind of entity experiences you the most comprehensively when you are being notified here of such an entity?


If you would like to take the risk and plunge yourself into an intensely engulfing new state of mind, read this note about one arm’s length behind your back.


If you are now reading this in your usual way, you better face your fear of total awareness of what seems to be threatening you. Face this before the next note.


This particular message is being sent to the most unusual part of your consciousness for reasons only it will understand. Let this happen before the next note.


The unusual part of your consciousness is now more unusual than it was, whether you know it or not.


There is one of our foolish Earth readers trying to do all this without the preliminary exercises in the previous sessions. Such a reader is more to be pitied than blamed. No amount of extraterrestrial compassion can reach such a case.


There is also a monstrous pseudo-intelligence trying to understand all this, but there is no need for alarm as it is just one of the foolish politicians of the Earth humanity.


We also have as a fleeting idiotic guest, a pompously stupid movie star of the planet Earth who has been made to believe he has important opinions.




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