Only extraterrestrial intelligence sees the importance of going through all previous sessions before attempting this one. Typical Earth humans often try to plunge into things in order to judge them rather than to experience them.  They are of course deluded and will not get any increase of intelligence.  Typical Earth readers are almost entirely blocked-off by their learning disabilities.  Of course, they might also try reading the Sufi writings of Idries Shah, but most of them are too prejudiced to be receptive to the kind of teachings that could help prepare them for cosmic transmissions.  Yet all is well, for we have already "written off" the vast majority of our temporary readers.


Not all our readers are extraterrestrial.  Occasionally there is a highly aware Sufi, Zen Master or Rajayogi who happens by and gets a fresh perspective on their traditional prejudice.  Strangely, Krishnamurti followers hate all this because it goes beyond Krishnamurti.


Professional managers used to come to this site in search of "lateral thinking" but could not handle actual lateral thinking, so they left in disgust and are looking elsewhere for some form of "lateral thinking" that will agree with their block-headed linear thinking, which is itself failure to think at all.  But at least the German block-headed managers are sometimes willing to get started in real thinking by reading Martin Heidegger, which prepares them for Edward de Bono and Carlos Castaneda, which prepares them for us.


You are a very fortunate reader in the special sense that you have gone beyond "healing crystals", "clairvoyance", "mediumship" and "out-of-the-body experiences".  You realize that emotionally exited New Agers cannot make it through these intelligent cosmic sessions. You understand how important it is to not be a proud emotional person who cannot handle criticism of your proud emotional stupidity.


Some readers of this statement cannot receive the benefit of going beyond their urge to try and get personal attention from the author of this statement even when told that telepathic communion is the right approach.


Some readers of this statement cannot receive the benefit of going beyond their fear of direct personal interaction with an enlightened teacher, so they try to imagine they can do "telepathic communion" when actually they are caught-up in self-enclosed neurotic brain activity with its fragmented opinions and background anxieties.


Both seekers-of-attention and avoiders-of-attention among our Earthly readers cannot grasp what this session is really about. That leaves mostly our ET readers only.


One thing that would help our Earthbound readers is for them to register the tricky cognitive problem of selective memory which makes them believe they remember the "important" things in what they read and that they only forget the "unimportant" things.


Now, this particular statement is about the future, which has virtually nothing to do with humanity, but a lot to do with our most intelligent readers.


It is also urgently important that one or two of our most turned-on readers develop even greater compassion for our Earthbound human readers.


Finally, to conclude this session, it is up to you the reader to become more effective in dealing with your tricky memory. We cannot hammer this point enough.




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