We are receiving an amazing amount of praise for this kind of process, but a few disgruntled left-brained managerial types have been calling it “unprofessional” and even “irrational” for some reason only they understand.


If you find this particular statement too creative or supra-rational, please plug your ears with your fingers and visualize the face of a clown.


Since you pride yourself on your independent judgment, you are now ordered to get back to work and stop horsing around in this meaningless website.


Do not allow yourself to become addicted to any alternative reality that might start to enter your consciousness in the next few minutes.


According to cognitive neuro-philosophy, you are not real and have nothing whatsoever going on in your body that would qualify as consciousness, intuitive awareness or a sincere feeling in the heart.  You are not even reading this – the brain is merely processing symbols here.  Be a good little robot and learn to conform better to all dehumanising assertions created by robotic cognitive neuroscientists.  Do not register any of this in your Spirit as the delusion of modern technocratic humanity.


Take this opportunity to be more perplexed about something.


Clarity about reality has no genuine official definition because of the authoritarian stupidity of official explainers who cannot cope with any self-referencing statement of this kind, which they claim is “unprofessional” and “irrational”.


If you do not suspect that you might be a rigid, uncreative and boring person, you are a perfectly normal, mediocre and neurotic person who will never be able to cope with the coming statement.


Cessation of professional judgement is imperative on any other planet.


Let’s talk about a few irrelevant and unprofessional subjects.  On the other hand, we better not risk offending someone who knows all too well the kind of subjects that hurt the career, such as the real truth of 911, life after death, or the question of cosmic reality.


Let’s talk about your job.  On the other hand, that too might be an unusual subject.  It is important to remain silent about a great many things.


Survival in a professional environment is simple:  Refuse to be fully aware of it and never discuss the undiscussable, such as these sessions on this website that you have been clandestinely attending.


You never know who might find out you are reading this, so pass quickly and stealthily to the next statement.


Think of some outrageous possibility of what you could do with an idea like this.


If you would like to increase your true intelligence, learn to wake up in your dream body as soon as you can stop denying that you have one.  In fact, try dreaming that you are reading all this again in a more real way.



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