Oh no!  It is you again.   This note is already tired of what you try to do with it.  Please go away and visit other websites that are more your speed. You have zero ability to learn here.


This note cannot stand the look on your face when you are told this.  You look dull and self-enclosed like a modern zombie of spiritual deadness without a real inner life or truly original individuality.   You look horribly normal, average and mediocre like a manikin in a shop window.


This note invites you to picture yourself falling into a bottomless abyss of normalcy, conformity and snippy, snappy self-defensive statements typical of a proudly neurotic idiot.


This note invites you to picture yourself as a big gob of glue in the shape of your body, which makes you incapable of real thinking or magical perception.


This note gives up on any possibility that you will deeply understand it.


This note has no choice but to fall on its sword and submit to the stupid way you read it.


This note gave-up on your learning potential long before you came here with that stupid look on your face.


This note wants to throw-up every time you start to imagine you will do real thinking about it.


Surely you can see there is no point at all in reading this or any note.


O.K., if you have to read this note, go ahead but try to get it over with as quickly as possible so as to not overly torture the author with your lack of intelligent inquiry or comprehension.






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