This note is about utilizing your surroundings to help you calm down and feel infinite for a few seconds before you return to your usual neurotic state.


This note is about how you are learning to overcome your most horrible blockage.


This note is here to prompt you to a new idea about something unmentionable.


This note is about the particular magical failure that worries you the most.


This note is about all the trouble your mother went to to make sure you would never be abnormal, magical and free.


This note is about how easily you adjust to blind and dull normalcy.


This note is about your new life that includes your resistance to your new life.


This note will not help you unless you begin to get upset about your emotional life.


This note likes you too much to challenge your fucked-up attitude.


This note is not for you. Make your mind up to not understand anything about this.


This note is your new fantastic opportunity to think of a comment about it.


This note is about how patient you can be toward how notes actually work.






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