You are here reading this note at this present time in your world and in your life.  You are doing this because it has a value for you, because you know you obtain something or wake up to something.  Realize the essence of your listening to this note before you go on to the next note.   The magic is in the essence.


There are kinds of telepathic communion that are innocent and therefore more promising than some ambitious occult effort.   Can you enter-in to something like that without becoming occultly excited or ambitious about yourself?  See what else all this might be inwardly saying to you before you go into the next note.


Many intelligent, sensitive, highly developed people have passed through the world unnoticed without the onerous task of being known and popular.  That you do not know their old names and locations does not mean they were not there.  Try to register the power and significance of unknown spiritual greatness before you read the next note.


If you are paying close attention to innocence and anonymity, you are getting closer to the miraculous.  Can you become more aware of this before the next note?


Pay closer attention to what you see or notice that no one else sees or notices.  Realize the true significance of such things before you go on to the next note-session.




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