Your new approach to this note cannot happen until you fully detect your usual old approach and see the dullness of it.


Here is the kind of Note that refuses to give you any further information about itself.


We are sorry to inform you that you may not understand why this note had to be written for just one poor little reader, who is you.


Would you like to be asked a question about yourself that is so overwhelming that you dare not understand it?   This might be it.


Let your mind race out farther in outer space than it has ever really been before you read the next note.


Try to imagine what it might be like to develop an imagination so powerful that it is no longer mere imagination, but power-of-creation, Kriya-Shakti.   Then go on to the next note.   Hint: the movie “The Sphere”.


This note is about how you can blow your mind over what we secretly know about you.


This note is about one of those beautiful scenes in Nature that are so riveting that it reminds you of sexual orgasm.  What is that really about?


This note is about the kind of journey to the stars that you would really most like to take with a group of real friends and lovers where you would not have to return to the insane planet Earth where the stupid humanity are destroying their environment and making themselves physically and mentally sicker and sicker. Then ask yourself if such a move is totally impossible before you read the next note.


This note is about the Primary Yoga of Awareness-of-Being that you can practice literally anywhere, which obviously includes your present situation.






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