It is time to mention yet again my extraterrestrial students who come here and read and understand in ways that most of my terrestrial readers and would-be students cannot yet do.  This cognitive gap is caused by the endless dullness and insanity of the uniquely difficult and awkward humanity of Earth.  The next note totally transcends this useless cognitive gap.


The totality of existence, of all Being, is truly measureless.   The diversity of endless varieties of self-conscious human races is uncontainable by any cognitive mental system or brain anywhere whatsoever.  Nonetheless, genuine Awareness-of-Being is open to the totality of direct and indirect information.  Your potential virtual omniscience is not a mere intellectual doctrine of Kashmir Shaivism, but a sparkling cosmic delight that awaits your inevitable Godself Awakening.   Those of Us who have some experience of these Divine matters testify to them not out of Earthly local superiority, but out of natural cosmic sharing and provocation of potential in our readers.


This note is about how you are going to stop underestimating your own spiritual potential.


This note is about how you do not need to show-off or try to be popular with some large group of emotional pseudo-spiritual seekers or shallow meditators.


This note is about the new kind of action that can come through you from the Godself within and beyond you.


This note is about your new resolve to do only what is inwardly Joyous and Real, whether in little chores or great works.


This note is about living totally outside both the evil New World Order centered in the perverse American government as well as the shallow organized reactions against all that.





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