This note is about taking the time to explore Awareness-of- Being.  There are so many things pushing you and pulling you this way and that way, that you have very little time or energy left for what is most central and significant about your Being. Awareness-of-Being is both your inside and your outside, it is non-dual bliss that everything and everybody are made of without knowing it, for only Awareness-of-Being knows itself as the Bliss that is primordial substance.


This note is about the stress and difficulty that veil our innate Bliss of Awareness-of-Being.   Normally we do not see our stress and difficulty as a veil, a covering, but as a calculated arrangement or project that is supposed to produce or arrive at happiness at some future date when everything will be alright without problems.  But it is this calculating and projecting course that creates stress and difficulty, for we do not relax in the Awareness-of-Being, which is Absolute meditation.


This note is about your body as a primary object that is sustaining your experience of all objects in your world, whether small and near or large on the outdoor horizon.  The so-called “inside” of your body is still just the primary object that is your body.   You are neither “inside your body” nor “outside in the world”.  The entire continuum of outside-and-inside is the non-dual presence of your Awareness-of-Being.  The double mirror of body-and-world is reflecting your Awareness-of-Being as the experience of “incarnation” or “being physically alive”, which, again, reflects Timeless Presence as your “Lifetime” which seems to have begun at birth and which will unhappily end sadly and sorrowfully at death.  You are not really the body, for it just mirrors your subjectivity or light of selfhood.  You were not born, nor will you die, though your physical life-time does offer you a string of intense experiences as a temporary but prolonged chunk of life-lessons for the education and awakening of your spirit of Awareness-of-Being.  So make the most of it all!






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