Let’s have some real fun with this note.   Say to yourself mentally ten (10) times, “I do not see the fun in this.”  You will have a real shot at the fun.


O.K., time to be serious with this note.   Think of the serious issue of your life at this time before you go to the next note.


Let us say that you meet a Sufi gentleman in a restaurant at a table next to you somewhere in France.  He suddenly turns to you and says, “Whatever may happen in this place is for the best even if it makes no sense at first.” Would you respond, and if so, in what way?  Think of this before the next note.


Let us say that your response to the stranger (for you naturally do not know he is a Sufi) was, “I don’t understand.” Picture him then saying, “As events unfold it is only natural for you to not understand or make sense of them at first, which is what I already told you.”  Think how you might respond further (if at all) before the next note.


Let us say that you responded by asking the man, “Do I know you from somewhere?”  Upon which he says, “It is more a question of my knowing you from somewhere.  Does this trouble you?” How might you respond to that before the next note.


Let us say you naturally ask, “Oh, is that so? Where do you know me from?”  Picture him then saying, “I do not have time to go into that right now.  Just remember that everything happening at this time in this place is for the best, which includes me happening to you.”  Before you read the next note, think of how you might respond to that.


Let us say you would now naturally ask, “What has caused you to pick me out to tell me all this?  I know you said you know me from somewhere, but how come I have no memory of meeting you?”  Picture him saying, “It is because you are still asleep, but it was my job to wake you up a little, so, excuse me, but I have to leave now.”  Think of what you would do now before the next Note Session.






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