If you have come with us throughout all the 299 Note Sessions, you are not in the same state of Being and Consciousness you were in when you began.  Think of the most central change you have gone through before you read the next note.


If you say to yourself “I am”, you may mean anything from an ignorant identification with your social position in life all the way up to perceiving your most transcendental Spirit.
Therefore, as a repeated affirmation it could get you anything from the most deplorable mental reinforcement of proud stupidity to self-energization of Cosmic Being and Bliss.  The value (or lack of value) of any affirmation or Mantra depends wholly on the state of consciousness and intentionality of the repeater.  Hence, as an ancient Yogi once said, “Mantra gives liberation to the wise but greater bondage to fools.”  Decide the implications of affirmation or mantra for yourself before you read the next note.  Does it reinforce stupidity or activate higher Power?


This note is here to warn you against any dogma for or against Mantra or any other self-realization procedure.  Shiva transmitted 112 procedures to Parvati which Osho Rajneesh has brilliantly commented on in his five volumes of The Book of the Secrets.   Can you fully center your life and being in a totally non-dogmatic approach to your spiritual self-development?  Even Shiva Himself cannot help you if you are caught in a spiritual prejudice.


This note is about the penetration of a Zen Koan, which means directly experiencing the Reality of what happened in the story of a transaction between an ancient Chinese Zen Master and one of his students.  Here is a condensed example: “Ma Tsu pinched the nose of Huai Hai causing Huai Hai to experience a surge of awakening that made him alternately weep and laugh.”  Now, since pinching your own nose would not explain all this to you, what do you need to do to resolve this old Zen Koan for real? See you at the next Note Session.




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