You have arrived at an incredible moment, but you do not really see it, so it is not going to be very much of anything for you. What then are we to conclude about your present state of mind? This note elects to just leave you to your own struggles and imaginings, but not without a touch of sadness, yet without pity. It is clear that you do not deserve this incredible moment.


One of our readers is sobbing in despair.  This emotional outburst may even clear the way for a sober re-assessment of the self-awakening process.  Perhaps it is better to have a nervous breakdown over all this than to just carry on as some clever, critical and nasty person without a heart.  What is your case? Are you calm from Higher Awareness or are you merely self-enclosed and snotty?  What makes you believe you are superior to our desperately despondent reader?  It is doubtful that you will see this incredible moment precisely because you do not value what is truly valuable.  Maybe you are an insensitive piece of shit.  Or perhaps you are just another wasted zombie of the modern, computerized world.  Whatever your case, I am rather tired of you.


Someone just asked: “What kind of reader would you not find tiresome?”  The answer is that it is enough to say that there are readers who are my cosmic students even if they have not personally met me. They do not tire me even if they believe I neglect them.




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