This note is about all the beings, entities and things beyond your comprehension.  This may help you drop your self-enclosed and opinionated proud ego, which is nothing but a created biological mechanism of mental and physical habits.


Do you perceive how most people live in the absurd position of protecting wrong ideas of no value because the ideas have no value except the egotism of having ideas to protect?


This note is about the fragmentation of your consciousness, which you do not see because you always try to act like your consciousness is together and whole.  Can you face this issue throughout all parts of your mind?  Or will you just bluff through to the next note?


You are more like your private, unspoken thoughts than the spoken thoughts you express to others.  Try to see why this is so before you read the next note.


This note is about the difficulty you have in connecting to your internal self-correction system.   Merely pretending to want self-correction will not correct anything within you, which means you are going to try to meet the future with your present inadequate self.


This note is about how your new human nature is free to see the Futility and Pain of your old habitual human nature.


This note is about how you can truly learn from your past mistakes by becoming a new person who is no longer the usual habitual person who makes those kinds of mistakes.


Before you go on to the next Note Session, try to see that your usual everyday self will be as useless there as it was here today.





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