It has been well-established that creative thinking requires provocation, yet most people cannot handle provocative ideas, which keeps them dull, rigid, boring and uncreative.  Even many of the terrestrial readers who come here to Notes leave and do not return because they are upset by the provocative statements they find here.  If you understand the dull and boring quality of most people who avoid the creative stimulus of provocation, you can easily see why our best readers are extraterrestrial.  The next note is only for readers who can accept provocation for the sake of stimulating their creative, original and real thinking.


This note may not seem logical when it compares the architecture of the time/space universe to the cognitive dynamical feedback system of causality or karma, but the creative learning system of a wise reader can always make some use of a significant connection that at first seems illogical, incomprehensible or undesirable.


This note is itself an example of karmic feedback to you from the causal universe of time/space.  How do you suppose you came to read this Note?  How do you suppose that it was provided here for you to be able to read it?  Do you think it is an accident that you are now reading this very question?


This note is an opportunity for something new and interesting you could do with or about Notes.   If you will make a real effort to think of something, you may notice that your entire motivation to read Notes is increased.  So you may want to look at what that means as well.  The next note session will be more creative and interesting for you if you have become more creative and interesting in your approach to all this.




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