This note is for a real, together and magical individual who is aware of the virtual inevitability of his or her physical death at some future fateful date.  Such an individual knows that it is utterly foolish to cling blindly to the familiar, everyday world as if it will go on forever without need of higher realms of the Unknown.  So, do not go on to the next note unless you realize that you need to be more aware of the virtual inevitability of your personal, physical death regardless of what health-techniques or Yogas you may practice to lengthen your lifespan.


This note is for an authentic, magical individual whose only regret is that life is too short to have and experience all the things he or she would like to have and experience before it is all over, done with and terminated.  Do not go on to the next note without connecting with the enormous personal implications of your virtually inevitable coming death.


This note is only for the real magical individual who knows for certain that he or she may never again have an opportunity to read it, come to a full understanding of it and gain the ultimate profit from it.  Unreal, unmagical and untogether readers always imagine they can always read something again sometime, so they do not bother to fully understand and profit from the important meaning, they do not make the urgent knowledge a permanent possession of their Spirit.  Such rushed, superficial readers sooner or later die with an empty Spirit containing nothing but a pathetic residue of partially digested teachings from scattered sources.  What a waste!





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