Most readers who come here are coming sociologically rather than personally.  This means that they are almost always pretending that they are not playing the social game of pretence. If you can go on to the next note personally, then go on to it.  If you cannot, why bother to read it at all?


A great deal of new, important spiritual truth can be found in Notes, but most readers can no more appreciate important spiritual truth than burrowing rodents would appreciate the sudden discovery of a vein of gold in their burrows.


There are many awakened individuals doing real good in the world, but their efforts are rarely seen or understood by the vast majority of mass-hypnotized humanity.  That is why this note is only for a tiny percentage of the readers who come here.   Who can handle being told they are a hypnotized victim of propaganda from their horrible government or other societal institutions?


All kinds of readers of Notes would like to meet me, yet they are the same kind of unawakened, sleeping people who will pass an awakened man or woman on the street without noticing it.  If they would not approach me as a stranger standing in a shop or sitting in a café, how would they approach me through an artificial appointment?


This note challenges you to see that you are living a mechanical life in a state of psychological hypnosis.  The less you see this and understand it, the more you are in such a state.   Register this before you go on to the next note.


When a surface personality reads this note, it warps the real message by pretending it applies only to others.  Such a typical reader never knows what he or she is really doing against his or her real interest.


When someone lacks the intelligence to understand a Note, he or she will cover that fact up by criticizing Notes in general.  Self-pride is invariably more important than learning for most readers.


Whatever you believe is the necessary way for you to read this note is causing you to miss what is most important and vital here. Try to understand that it is most important and vital for you to learn to go beyond your usual way of doing things.


Most readers love their mental confusion about this note more then they love the opportunity to clear away their mental confusion.  So what happens?  The confused reader merely goes on to the next note as if their confusion did not happen here.


This note will deliver you a healthy shock if you can see with full clarity that almost everyone you know never wants inner change even if they occasionally claim to consider it.


Most people do an imaginary reading of this (and other) Notes because they are living an imaginary life.  They do not want to see how their imaginary life is controlling them and destroying their future.


You cannot escape from an imaginary reading of this note if you believe you have already given a deeply real reading.


The worst decision in your life, whether it is about Notes or anything else that interests you, is when you choose proud egotism over and above the opportunity to wake-up.  This is particularly true when you claim you are already awake.


If you ask society what life is really about, it will deceive you. If you ask notes what life is really about, they will help you to find that out, so don’t forget to strongly seek coming higher truth in the available next note sessions and other good sources.





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