The previous twenty-five sessions are necessary preparation for this session, so go read them and do not kick up a fuss about it. Take your time.


Now that you have read thorough twenty-five of our discussions, you know that nothing is undiscussable, so you can replace your left-brain cognitive dissonance with a free intelligence that will never again be a victim of normalcy or the propaganda that preys upon it.


Your job right now is to fully be here with your greatest possible awareness and not accept anything less from yourself.


We are not a political conspiracy of any kind whatsoever. We are simply the real invisible government of the world whom stupid puppets like the Bilderbergers hope do not exist. We are an open network of cosmic consciousness. We are God.


Any unreal reader of this statement will never know what it really said to real people, to authentic and resolute human beings here.


Proud and stupid management consultant types come and read this statement from time to time to try to discover the secret of our creative management thinking, but they do not understand the need of listening to loud Pearl Jam music when reading here. They think they can do it all in their heads, man, without loosening up a little. Nor does it occur to them to listen to a verse or two of Walt Whitman or William Blake or Aurobindo. They just aren't going to get it. At best they are stuck on the shallow level of Edward de Bono or Tony Buzan. But, hey, this is the unbelievably fucked-up planet Earth, man. So chill out.


Do you suppose that some proud and stupid management consultant types imagine they made it through to this question? They're gonna cry, man.


We tell the truth and the whole truth so help us God. We testify here that the whole truth of all this is absolutely important. We are the opposite of politicians and senior managers who rip-off citizens and shareholders. We are the staunch allies of ethical decision makers. We are the real people that most people only dream of meeting someday.


This statement is not much different than others here because it is about being real; it is about having the juice; it is about a website with soul; it is about new creation; it is about transcending chicken-shit false authority. It is about going beyond. It is about no longer being a mushroom, which is kept in the dark and fed on shit.


We are watching old associates receding behind us in our rear-view mirror. They turn to cardboard cut-outs, shallow imitators, and then to forgotten dust on the road. Most people cannot handle the presence of real people.


We are posting our messages in many strange places where real thinking is stirring to be born in non-mediocre human readers.


If you are one of our true readers who cannot get enough of all this, congratulations! You are awakening to the Unknown Universe. Keep feeding the fire of your free intelligence with anything that helps it grow brighter. The Unknown Universe has great plans for people like you. You are not alone; you're plugged in live here.


The natural network of free intelligence needs no artificial organisation theory nor any kind of specific social movement. This is Asparsha Yoga, the untouchable path of knower of the Self. It is all done by pure Satsang, Being together. Being. Focus your Being of Being. This is the real thing, pilgrim. It's your lucky day. We are writing these things on Himalayan mountain tops.


If you remember Jim Morrison and the Doors, man, then you understand our infiltration of the big horrible machine. We never left you truly alone. We are always here in refreshing new ways. Never give up on what you have seen brighter than bright. We stood beside you on the streets of San Francisco where people were levitating up and down those streets in the totally cool way. The big horrible machine is not winning, man, it's losing. We alone know where we've been and where we're goin'.


Watch how the uptights will now try to label us maybe as "old hippies." So, keep up your best readin' and hang in there, man. Peace!


Can you get so fed-up with all the horrible crap going on that you take real action to improve the quality of your consciousness and life? Increase the intensity of your reading.


Can you think a thought so big that it is far more than a mere thought? We are speaking here of realizing something. Are you just reading this or what?


You have a right to be here, to read or think about anything. You have a right to be yourself. You are more than a star. You are Brahman, the Being of Being. I know this because I am also Brahman in my own incredibly unique and fantastic individual way. The Being of Being is the only way to be here or there. Get on with it!


No, it is not an "all male club", sweetheart. You are the Lady Brahman. Mother Meera hasn't even dreamed of you or the way I love you beginning with this far-out website, built just for you, baby. Our anonymous union pervades our infinite bodies of interpenetrating cosmic orgasm. "We want the world and we want it now. " So, come on!


Our extraterrestrial readers get a real boost from realizing they too are Brahman, the Being of Being. In fact, my dear extraterrestrial readers, let's get this planet cleared-up and move on everywhere in self-discovery forever.


This is not the final session. There are infinite sessions ahead. Read this thought ever more deeply in the abground of the mystery of Being Being.






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