Before we get on with the next note and the rest of the session, you should try to answer a very simple question:  Have you discovered something new about yourself today that you truly never saw before?   If there is such a thing, you will notice that you have been getting semi-conscious intimations of it lately, but today it fully emerged inescapably in your consciousness.


For any reader who did not discover a new thing about herself or himself today, the question becomes:   Do you know why you have not discovered something new about yourself today?  Try to see the implications of carrying on day-by-day without making new discoveries about yourself before you go on to the next note.


To make a new discovery about ourself can be anything from a glimpse of our real Divine selfhood on its own cosmic level right on down to an unpleasant fact of our physical everyday semi-conscious self that worries and struggles in and through the brain.  Which self, for instance, are you centered in when reading or considering this particular Note?


Are you able to see anything new about yourself at this present moment in time?  Please look into this possibility before you read the next note.


This note has another question for you to answer to yourself before you go on to the next Note:  Can anything new in your life be of any real value if you are not new yourself to meet it?


This note must now ask you the logical next question:  Do you know how to become a new self that is not stuck in your old, usual self?


Do you understand the importance of learning to ask yourself the right questions about yourself every day and not just once in awhile?


Think of what you had hoped to yourself several years ago to have achieved by now, but have failed to do so.  How do you really feel about this failure of yours?  Do you blame circumstances or difficulties with certain people?  Or do you blame yourself for some fatal laziness, procrastination or lack of personal power or lack of capacity?  How do you explain your failure to yourself?  Does it upset you sometimes?  Or do you cover it up and try to pretend it no longer matters?  Or do you see it as an immature, silly ideal or aspiration that is best to drop so that you can pursue more mature and useful goals?  Is it a matter of learning to make fresh and better effort?  Or is it a matter of disillusionment about your potential and thus learning to adjust to sober reality on more solid ground?  How do you answer before you go on to the next note?   Of course it could take you days, weeks or even months to fully answer to yourself on such questions.  Will you just forget them and carry on?


What has changed about your main goal in life today as compared to a few years ago?  Try to answer this to yourself before you go on to the next note.


Are you a kinder, gentler, more loving and compassionate and understanding person than you used to be?  Or, are you a colder, harsher, more unforgiving, ruthless and judgmental person than you used to be?  Take a real look at any change of character you have gone through in the last few years.  Are you more free and generous or are you more tough and mean?   Are you more helpful, caring and responsible; or are you more bitter, self-pitying and irresponsible?  What have you become for better or worse?  Before you go on to the next Note Session, ask yourself what you see you most need to do about your inner nature, your character, for the sake of your real human development beyond acquiring occult powers or getting into unusual experiences. What will it take to be able to feel better about yourself?






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