You started on your journey to this note perhaps a million years ago when you first became a primitive human being, but you have little or no memory of your past lives because you are still incredibly primitive.  Before you go on to the next note, try to see that learning is astonishingly difficult, as is listening. Learning and listening are difficult because you have been dull, neurotic and distracted for a million years and more.   This is what you need to see right now.


You will have some trouble actually listening to what this note is trying to say to you.  This is because you have very little freedom of mind.  Your ears are stuffed with the things you already know (or at least believe you know).  You are much too ready to react, to assert your opinion, to make your contribution, to add to what is said, to be seen as clever and witty.  This attitude is killing your potential, as it always has, life after life. Billions of former clever people are buried in the earth, forgotten and useless.


If you can listen for real to just this one note, something extraordinary will happen within you.  Can you listen to just this one note with the whole of your being, with your full passion, intensity and vitality?  Can you listen as one on a magical, miraculous journey where everything you see and hear is wondrous?  This is the challenge you are facing right here, on the spot, before the next note.  Do you accept this challenge?


The act of total listening can liberate your consciousness, but you have difficulty in coming up with total listening.   You have never learned about it in a million years of living dull, neurotic human lives on the planet.  So, the question of your quality of learning is emerging now as of the most urgent importance for you.  Especially the learning of awareness and total listening.


This note is about reading, listening or seeing with full intensity of learning to keep up a fully alive and passionate inquiry into the whole of your life and all life.  Will you do this?




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