Whatever you have heard about notes, forget about it.  This website is not for you.  Do yourself a favor and leave now. Go find something more on your beat.  Take a hint.


Having cleared-the-air, we can proceed with your advanced course in non-traditional Zen.  Are you ready for the next, unknown note?  Do you understand readiness?


You need to try a new technique of handling your consciousness. Begin by visualizing it as a very heavy ball of shit, something like your physical brain or the planet Earth.


Develop a new improved reason for reading notes.  Do not go on to the next note without doing this.  It is urgently necessary for your personal evolution.


Do you call this your “new improved reason”?  How much of your crap do you intend to maintain?


I am a Zen Master.  You are not a Zen Master or you would not have to read notes.  Wake up to this simple truth.  Mastery does not come through imagining things about yourself.


Be honest with yourself.  Can you actually concentrate for real on a statement like “be honest with yourself”?


Let’s try another angle to stimulate your higher intelligence with this note.  Have you noticed how unique these things called notes really are?  That is because the author of notes is an incredibly unique individual with vast creative intelligence and profoundly deep awareness.  If you were a real individual you would realize how important it is to be creatively unique and immensely aware in the totality of being.  Unfortunately you are just a typical mediocre reader going nowhere fast as you lurch uselessly from note to note.


You are really lucky I am in the mood to write this note, but only if you will rise beyond your normal state of mind without further evasion and self-deception.


O.K., here’s how it works with notes: you read this note and it gets into your mind.  Once it is there, vibrating in your mind, you discover you need to do something meaningful with it.  You try to understand it, for instance, or maybe you will try to wake-up to something in yourself or in your special universe you believe you live in.  Then you will reach a point where you are up against a wall that prevents you from doing something more real about this note.  Then you find yourself going on to the next note to get relief from this note.  All this is a very typical, mediocre process.  In some respects, you might as well be a biological robot because your thing with notes is so predictable and boring.


As predicted, you are finishing off this note-session in your usual dull and stupid way.  You obviously lack real individuality and higher awareness.  You are stuck in mediocrity.  I tried to help you, but you have no talent for all this.  Maybe you should stop coming here.





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