The new reader should seriously consider beginning with Session One.  On the other hand, almost anyone who comes here is secretly desperate for something that will give a big breakthrough on the first thing that is encountered, such as this note.  Therefore, if you are in fact feeling desperate, then try to turn your desperation into an immediate insight into what is really happening to you right here, right now.


Dark forces are at work in your unconscious physical neurosystem to prevent you from truly benefiting from notes. Bring an inner initiative light of awareness about your darkness that enters your darkness and lights it up.  If you are already beginning to glimpse something even vaguely promising about self-encounter through notes, you are already beginning to benefit from this note.  All you have to do is feel this and see it a little.  There is “a light at the end of the tunnel”.


Do you want to know why you need to be here reading this note?  It is because your usual understandings and solutions about your development and your life are not getting the job done.  You need breakthroughs into greater understandings that will see better solutions.


What is it about notes that you would like to change to make all this “better”?  Think about this before you read the next note.


What is it about the way you could approach notes that might make them better as they are?  Think about this before you read the next note.


Only when you see that you may be reading this note in some wrong way is there hope that you will learn to read it in a more right way.  Can you see this?


Are you willing to face some overarching facts about your approach to all this?  Try to answer this note within yourself for real before you read the next note.


Some people who come to notes cannot actually benefit from them.  Yet other people who could benefit from notes do not come to them because they have gullibly believed someone’s negative opinion.  Are you someone who comes here often and actually benefits?  What makes you believe what a “benefit” is in all this?  Can you question your assumptions about this and other things in your life that you consider to be “benefits”?


Most readers would rather chatter socially about the mountaintop than to personally climb the mountain step-by-step. To assert an opinion is always easier than actually raising awareness.  Will you face this deeply personal fact before you read the next note?


A great cosmic wisdom that far surpasses ordinary human knowledge does in fact exist.  This simple fact will keep emerging for you in notes, so learn to approach all this with the idea that real wisdom is infinitely more important than intellectual excitement.







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