You know why you are here reading this note, so take a little pause and admit it fully to yourself before you read the next note.


You need to gently probe your real feelings about this note so that you will not get hurt in some way when you read the next note.


Your little mind has to understand that this note doesn’t mean anything bad.


This note is for Big minds, but it is perfectly O.K. for little minds to play around the edges where they can understand something.


You have total sympathy for wanting to have a Big enlightened mind.  Who wouldn’t want a Big mind when they have been reading notes?  Do not let your little mind get too discouraged; there is always a little bit of something here and there for you that you can handle.


Most of our Extraterrestrial readers have Big minds.  Most of our Terrestrial readers have little minds that are cynical and nasty or emotional and disturbed.  Big minds feel compassion and sadness for little minds, but most little minds, whether brainy or upset, do not like it that most Big minds are in Outer Space.  They would prefer that the Big minds not be gentle and compassionate, but alien monsters who are “threatening” the little minds or perhaps not really existing after all.


You do not have to put your little mind through “alien contact” because Whitley Streiber’s little mind has already explained all the terrors of a little mind having to deal with Big minds.  All the little minds can now have vicarious “terror” of alien contact on top of their governments “terror alerts”. “Terror” is very important to little minds that cannot see the big picture.


There is a very silly, stupid and paranoid nation on the planet Earth called America where the government wants all their citizens to be in “terror” about Aliens and Muslims and “Conspiracy Theorists”.  We are very glad to see that your little mind is not quite that little, though we do see that you are a little nervous about what the Americans and their insane government might pull next.  It is O.K. to be a little nervous.  Even Big minds feel slightly apprehensive about the way America is now leading the world in war crimes, torture, corruption and abuse of the ecosystem.  So go ahead and be a little nervous before you read the next note, but don’t be terrified, which is what the American government wants to do to everybody on Earth or anywhere else.


Now that the Borg Empire has taken over America and Britain with U.N. approval, it is important to prepare your little mind for the next note session.





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