Here you are again, confronting this note for the first time.  The words may change, but the mysterious meaning remains the same.  And very soon you will be off again to the next note in the cycles of your reading process.  You can interpret all this however you like.  You even have the possibility of not even trying to interpret.  Whatever your case may be, it is your case and not that of some other reader.  You can have the consolation or tiny thrill of being somehow unique in some way here.  So, that’s it for this note.  Do what you have to do.


If you would like to explore your mental state about this note, have at it.


This user-friendly note has no meaning but the one you decide upon after your incredible considerings.


If you feel up to it, read this note in the same manner as a nervous and timid person.


Never allow this note to accuse you of a distorting and self-defeating style of reading.


Weak-minded readers sometimes fall headlong into this note and get temporarily stuck in it.


This statement is about the way you hear it.


You are yourself right now, both before, during and after this assertion about you.  Do whatever you want with it.


Your physical body reeks of the way you live with it, which includes the way you read notes.


Your brain cannot handle the real truth of itself in all this.


What do you believe determines the depth of your investigation of any given note?


You cannot avoid waking up slightly when you are done struggling with this note.


The time has come for you to go all out in your reading of this note.  But will you really do it?


After your previous supposed efforts to “go all out”, it is only fitting that you just flow along with this note and let yourself thoughtlessly drift into the next note when it somehow arrives.


Try to laugh off this note!


All it will take is just one more superficial reading of a note and we may have to ask you to leave.


It is time for you to leave, isn’t it?




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