Read the previous eighteen sessions - do not be an arrogant fool.


"Love and Light" to you, dear New Age reader. Now piss off so we can talk frankly to some real people about some dark mysteries.


"Consensus and Vindication" to you, New World Order Bilderberger. Now piss off so we can talk frankly to some real people about some dark mysteries.


"Allah hu Akbar", dear Muslim. Now piss off so we can talk frankly to some real people about some dark mysteries.


"Lord Jesus have mercy on you", poor sinful Christian. Now piss off so we can talk frankly to some real people about some dark mysteries.


"Do what Thou Wilt" oh Satanic abusive Crowley maniac. Now piss off so we can talk frankly to some real people about some dark mysteries.


"Deconstruct all Realities" oh post-modern cynical robot. Now piss off so we can talk frankly to some real people about some dark mysteries.


"Strategy and Change" oh business leader. Now piss off so we can talk frankly to some real people about some dark mysteries.


Now think about slogans of collective delusion as avoidable cognitive psychological traps. Think of this as a dark mystery to start off with. For instance, why is a real human being so rare on the Earth?


Now think about a new reason to become a real human being as soon as possible. It is possible, you know. Anyone can stop belonging to a collective delusion.


Another dark mystery is why there should be such a deluded planet with super-insane leaders leading humanity to destruction. Why should there be such an unhappy, short-lived and evil world instead of nothing? Why should each Da-sein, Being-here, be so utterly shallow, foolish, proud and stupid? How could this hellish ball of shit even arise? Was it created by some demented Creator-God? Is it some sort of cruel galactic experiment brought about by warped cosmic engineers?


A further dark mystery is why should there be anything or any world existing anywhere instead of nothing? Why is there existent being instead of nothing?


A further dark mystery is why should there be an intellect to be perplexed about dark mysteries and not just the average proud fools living out the various collective delusions?


A further dark mystery is the real meaning of these sessions instead of what the web would have been like if this kind of super-intelligent site had never arisen on it.




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