This is a Tibetan “Black Air” note session.  The purpose of such a skull-bone rosary session is to drive as many regular readers off this website as possible and deliberately reduce the popularity of this website, which has gotten too big.


Your mother is (or was before dying) nothing but a neurotic animal wasting her life and trying to waste yours.  You are just too pathetic and spiritually weak to really face this and liberate yourself.  This makes you a “mother fucker”.


Website popularity experts have advised us that search engines avoid sites that use terms like “mother fucker”.  That makes them all too obviously mother fuckers and not real readers of this note.


I hate the shitty way you try to read this very note.  I also spit on your so-called “spiritual quest” which is hardly different from your gross neglect of real knowledge.


Stop your stupid belief that this website is somehow lucky to have a reader like you developing an “interest” in reading things like this note.  Actually, I find your presence false and ridiculous, so just piss-off and good riddance!


This note and this website in general are strictly for Extraterrestrials, Ultraterrestrials, Buddhas, Siddhas and genuine Yogis or Yoginis who like participating in tantric sex cults or communes of shared occult sorcery and shamanism. Respectable normals are utterly unwelcome here.  Also, those who think they are spiritual teachers are especially unwelcome. And, finally, you yourself are the least welcome here of all, even if you imagine you agree with this note, so just fuck-off, vanish and be gone before I curse your ass with a plague of corpse-eating maggots!




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