You can well imagine what might happen to some hapless reader of this statement who has not been through the wonders of the previous fifteen sessions.


You might want to take a pause here in this statement and reflect on your lack of active interest in the great issues of human existence.


The entire management team of this experimental website would like to thank our many readers for their enthusiastic criticisms and wild-eyed efforts to make some sort of sense of all this.


It will not be long before you realize how long it has taken you to register the full impact of hearing this statement.


You may not fully agree that humanity and its insane leaders are ignorant and self-destructive, but you surely must agree that the average reader here is emotionally disturbed.


How often do you receive a question without any context or subject but itself?


Yes, you are quite right in your observation: we do hope to short-circuit the professional brain before it does more damage.


Now, look, we really do insist that you come alive and start questioning something about all this!


Have it your way. Go ahead and stare into space as if you cannot come up with an original thought of your own. It is always better to be a vegetable instead of a nasty professional.


Who the hell do you think you are to come here and read everything with such ridiculous judgments in you wretched brain? Stop imagining that most of our readers do not share your stupid arrogance.


Have you ever noticed that most of our readers are all too predictably biological robots whose automatic reaction buttons are easily pushed?


Have you ever noticed that many of our readers are simply blanking out in the face of obvious observations such as this one?


Let's go into what you yourself are actually thinking right now at this very moment. Do you see the real nature of you problem here?


How about a little thought experiment here? Picture yourself reading this on another planet where the people are not afraid of seeing what they are really doing to their planet and their future. Do you understand the experimental nature of this kind of thinking?


We have been told by emotionally disturbed New Age people yet again, that we do not have enough "love" here on this website. What's your opinion? It is certainly a fact that we have no love for emotionally disturbed New Age readers who imagine they are some sort of Love Experts.


What you believe is "reality" is just one faction among hundreds of other ignorant and predominant "reality" factions on the planet. It is your inability to see that you are truly stuck in a ridiculous worldview that is keeping you out of a breakthrough into genuine sanity and clarity.


If you can get past the previous commercial for post-modern cynicism, you have a chance to buy into the cosmic hyper-reality model, which is infinitely superior to all the others. Why should you go on succumbing to inferior propaganda when ours is better?


Stop contradicting yourself about what you really believe. We know what you get up to!





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