If you would like to discover and activate a new and interesting cognitive faculty in yourself before you read the next note, absolutely forget everything you read or thought of in this note before you read the next note. In fact, you did not read this note, but just find yourself going on to the next note.  There is no note here.  There is now a note to read as follows:


This note is about the way you are reading or thinking of it.  If you agree with this assessment, read the next note in the light of your cognitive faculties.


It is hard to imagine how many cognitive faculties you do or do not have.  It is even harder to comprehend what you believe are the exact functions of either the cognitive faculties you possess or those you might hope to acquire.  We are not even sure you know the meaning of a term such as cognitive faculty.  It is probably best that you just wander into the next note and put this note behind you.


Human beings of the planet Earth do not do well about cognitive faculties.  Out of kindness and compassion we should probably drop that subject before it goes too far.





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