If you have not been through the previous one-hundred-and-forty- four note sessions, you will not benefit from even this first note of this note session.


You may believe you are completely free from self-deluding beliefs and disbeliefs, but a little examination of your conditioned mental background proves otherwise.  Even if you are extraterrestrial, there are subtle cognitive blockages from conditioning and you know you have to face this every time you meet with representatives of other races.  What do you believe is the purpose of the endless variety of conditionings throughout the Universe?  Clarify this a little before you read the next note.


Whatever your planet of origin, you know that sooner or later you must fulfill an ultimate Cosmic Pilgrimage to the Centre of Everything where you and that Centre are of the same essence. So, begin now.  What are you waiting for?  Even some great souls of the planet Earth are making some first steps from their own reading of these notes.


If you are an Earthling seeking a more cosmic perspective, read the three erroneous and incomplete but useful books, The Urantia Book, Starmaker by Olaf Stapledon and UFO Contact From Planet Iarga.  If you put all three of these together in your search for cosmic truth, this will prepare your consciousness for higher and more accurate transmissions.  Can you take a hint?  Or will you remain an Earthbound self-enclosed ignoramus?  You are certainly not going to get the cosmic information you need from merely reading Whitley Strieber or Courtney Brown.  Yet, you would be amazed how many people of Earth have not even read them.  I cannot help you much if you do not do your homework in this cosmic university.




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