Your further learning and growth clearly require your encounter with notes, which occur in these sessions.  We are feeling very friendly and compassionate to you in principle toward your need for all this.  We are obviously willing to keep providing note sessions for the time-being.  However, we still reserve judgment as to the validity of your present approach to all this.  If you do not learn how to approach all this with greater energy, with more passionate inquiry, and if you just remain a passive spectator, a fleeting scanner or a merely titillated emotional enthusiast, then nothing here will do much to improve your possibilities.  See if you cannot give rise to some real learning intensity before you go into the next note.


The very fact that you are here reading this note tends to indicate a positive fact that you have provisionally worked off enough bad karma to allow you an opportunity to be receptive to higher dimensional communication.


The way you are reading this note indicates to us that you are still very much at the beginning and have a lot to learn before anything substantial can happen for you in the field of higher dimensional personal contact.  We recommend that you therefore need to patiently work a step at a time in all this.  Have more modest expectations or you will just drive yourself crazy and make yourself into a sociological problem.


You are seen by cosmic awareness as you are encountering this note in another phase of your thinking about this kind of thing. See how fully you can register this before you go on to the next note.


Re-enter this note from another place in yourself than your present way in.


This note is not for terrestrial readers, so just get on with it as part of the new network.


Our extraterrestrial and ultraterrestrial readers will please skip this note, for we have to confront our terrestrial readers about their useless desire to become occultly important on the planet Earth as they want to acquire fame, money or new sex-partners.


This note is for advanced readers only, whatever their planet of origin or visitation.  Each reader is thus challenged to carefully define the term “advanced” before going on to the next note.


One of our terrestrial readers just went off sobbing and thrashing over all this.  How would you interpret that before you go on to the next note?


Another terrestrial reader who imagines that he is an important spiritual teacher has just now been criticizing the hell out of this website.  How would you interpret that before you go on to the next note?


Another terrestrial reader “can hardly wait until” the next note session when he has not even begun to understand this note session.  How would you interpret that before you go on to the next note session?





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