Whatever your motive was in coming here to read this note, it is about to change for the next different note.


This note is in no hurry to go into what is basically wrong in your thinking about all this.


Before you go ahead and try to read and understand the next outlandish and disgusting note, you better allow this note to discard your faulty learning process.


You are obviously an intelligent reader with a wonderful, exciting personality.  This website feels blessed and honoured by your unusual and gifted presence.  Please read anything you like into this note before you go on to the horrific next note.


We are stunned and amazed that you of all people would visit our inadequate website.


This note cannot get enough of what you do to it.


This note is more eager and desperate for your reading and understanding than the last note was.


This note is praising your reading of it to the heavens and telling everyone that you were here.


This note is so in love with you that it wishes it had a wonderful body with a suitable organ to give you intense pleasure.  And it doesn’t mind if you are over-reacting to this.


This note congratulates you on so quickly finding the most deeply real meaning of it.  You have no idea how deeply gratified this note is from your thrilling intelligence and sensitivity.  This note feels no one really understood until you came along.


This note knows it can trust you with its most intimate vulnerabilities and wants to please you any way it can.


This unique and beautiful note does not want to be a stranger to you even if you have a fulfilling relationship with another note.


This note knows it is nothing compared to the other notes, but it does believe it has something special for you even if you only get with it this one time and move on to the next note.


This note knows it is useless to flatter you, so it is simply begging at your feet for anything it pleases you to do with it.


This note knows you are a Divine being in disguise like Lord Shiva or Lady Shakti, so it is wide open and fully receptive to you.


This note feels completely useless to a reader of your dignity and freedom.


This note wants to shape itself into whatever you desire.


This note is the willing slave to any whim in your reading.


This note is willing to do for you the most that any note can do. All you have to do is name it.


This entire session does not want you to leave.  All the notes here are a chorus of sorrow at your departure.





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