You can make more of a fresh start with this very note than you might imagine when you lurch into the next note.


Almost all the people you know do not want real solutions to the problems that keep cropping up in their life and their world. They just like talking to you and others to get attention or to exploit.  Such is the sad fact of human nature which you should try to face more consciously at this time.  Do you understand why you had to be told this just now?


When you are whole and natural in yourself it permits you to do the right work or enjoy the right pleasure or study the right teaching without it involving you in stupid problems with other people.  Can you be whole and natural in yourself without neurotic reactions, doing ill-timed work, engaging in self-harming pleasure or reading the wrong books?  Can you see your fragmentation and thus develop a better sense of direction?


Before you go down to the next note, will you please understand that the awakening you need is not a personal achievement of your physical ego?  Will you also realize that it is not going to be the excitement of some weirdly occult hyper-sensation?


Suspend what you normally do about anyone or anything, which includes even this note.  The natural development of genuine higher awareness is a total inaction toward anyone or anything that disturbs, confronts or challenges you.  You must see directly and completely without bringing your knowledge or your memories of the past.  You must be fully of the present looking at the present without separative, dualistic action or reaction. Whatever your inaction naturally and spontaneously does without selfish calculation will be the truly real and ultimate action.


Right here , yet again, you must take a deeply creative pause and learn to focus the real issue.  Do you understand this?  There is no cheap and easy way of increasing your real intelligence or keeping yourself on a higher level of awareness.  It is a very subtle and difficult hard work which has nothing to do with imitation, conformity or merely being entertained by strange writings.  Please make up your mind to do the subtle, higher work on yourself before going ahead to the next note.  Each note contains an important cognitive task that you need to fulfil.


One thing you might want to notice is that when you engage deeply with all this, not merely superficially with witty remarks or distracted judgments, there is a peculiar stirring within the cells of your body.  This is not something under your control, it is not something you can manipulate, but it is a transformative process you can attune yourself to for higher unfolding of your awareness.  Will you allow this deeply physical new energy and its feeling to sweep away your inner and outer barriers and difficulties?


If you awaken in deeper and deeper depths of yourself, you are feeling an intense fire of awareness all throughout your being, which is more alive than your usual living, more intense than your usual intensity.  This fire of awakening burns with a clarity that sees through the normal world and all of humanity’s self-deceptive disasters and conflicts.  Do you have this fire of awakening going on in yourself now?  Are you using these “notes” to feed it?


Do you know what it means to step outside for a few minutes and experience the total light of beauty that is inseparable from your own awakening intelligence, sensitivity and awareness?  Do you know what it means to suspend time, ambition and neurotic worry so that something vast and supremely real can enter into you?




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