How do you decide what you will read or not read more of?  If no two statements, messages or notes are exactly the same even with the same author, what is the meaning of “more”?  Let us say you read only the present session or group of notes.  Could you ever be sure that the previous sessions are the same as this session if you have not read them?  Can you even be sure that future sessions will be the same as this one?  Certainly no session whatsoever has ever begun in this fashion, as any experienced note-reader can testify.  Since this beginning is unprecedented, how can there be more of it to follow, whether forwardly or retroactively (in previous session)?  So where is the “more” if you want “more” notes?  And where is the “more” if you do not want “more” notes?  Again, we have to ask: what is the meaning of “more” in all this?


This unique statement is neither more nor less than itself, so it is impenetrable.


What you like or dislike about this particular note may have nothing at all to do with what you might like or dislike about the next note to come.  How do you actually feel about all this?


I may have enjoyed writing this note more than you can ever enjoy reading this note.  By the same token, you may enjoy reading this note a great deal more than I enjoyed writing this note.  There are clearly some fundamental transactions here that will remain unquantifiable, and even these are only a portion of the ongoing mystery of this particular note as well as all notes in general.  So, be clear as to what you are learning here before going on to the next note.


A thoughtful reader will find something deeply meaningful in this little note where no thoughtless reader can find anything at all, but just rushes uselessly to the next note.


This very note right here might become a turning point in your life if it sparks you to suddenly awaken a whole new zone of learning and thinking in your consciousness.  On the other hand, it may be that this note cannot get the job done for you, which would mean that there is at least a slight hope that the next note will do the trick.


Would you like to review this note even before you finish reading its echo in your mind?


Did something strange happen in your mind about the previous note?  Could this very question become something much more outstanding than a mere afterthought?  Is there something to settle more adequately before the next note?  How will you decide it?


How would a cosmic reader ask this question?


Have you ever wondered about this note in the past?  Are you absolutely sure you have or have not?


What could you most meaningfully wonder about the next note before you read it?


Is this merely the last note of the session?





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