Just because you can pick this message up and lay it down at will does not mean you have understood it.  What if it has some dark, mysterious and terrible depth hidden in it that corresponds to something dark and mysterious within your own subconscious mind?  Wouldn’t you have to then understand yourself to be able to understand what is really going on in this very note?  On what basis do you believe you are picking it up or laying it down? And take a real look at the trouble you are in before you have even read the next note.


There is obviously some deeply complex and confusing process going on in you about your confrontation with just this particular note, let alone others to come.  Will you face this process in yourself or try to use the next note as an escape or entertainment?


One reader is now riding backwards on a hairy mammoth in search of the mythical unicorn.  Do you understand this timeless ancient metaphor?  Do you understand what drives you as to how deeply you go into this particular note?


Only something beyond your mind can read the hidden depths of your mind in the real here and now of your being here trying to read this transmission.


Lord Pan is the symbiosis of God and The Beast without all of the ordinary, mediocre silliness, confusion and intellectual hair-splitting in between that characterize the average human being on the planet Earth.  Do not go on to the next note without acknowledging your inner Pan-dilemma between the Rock of Superego and the Whirlpool of Id.


With your head in Cosmic Heaven and your feet standing in the Bottomless Hell, learn to read this very note for real before going on to the next note.  Any mediocrity here would just go on and be perpetrated there.


“As above, so below”, says the Emerald Tablet of Hermes. Eternity of the universe beyond is a nano-second within the atoms in your body.  Between the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, the human being is secretly stretched without comprehension.  The human being wanders through a horizontal fog of badly organized chaos called “the mind”.  What a farce the mind of the reader usually is as it lurches from one undigested message to the next!  What are you going to do about this?


According to Hwa Yen Buddhism, the unobstructed Void interpenetrates all dimensions and scales of Being and Time. Now lurch on to the next note at will.


Some of our Sufi readers want to know if we will mention the deep secret of the hundredth Name of God in this hundredth note session.  Yes, we will. It can be found in the famous twenty-nine pages of Ibn Arabi, but we will say no more here because of courtesy.







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